Domain, Website & Email Hosting
A domain name, email address and a website are fantastic ways of marketing your business and will give you an online presence which helps your business show up during Google searches. It also allows customers to understand the services you offer whilst also presenting as a more professional and established business in general.
Domain Hosting
A domain name can help establish your business as it opens up opportunities for customers to interact with you. Whether that be an email address, website, or a service, it can all be under one name making your online presence seamless and professional.
An example of a domain name is but you can also purchase .com, .au, .tech or many others as long as no one has acquired it already. We can help you check if a specific domain name is available or help you find an alternative.
An example of a domain name is but you can also purchase .com, .au, .tech or many others as long as no one has acquired it already. We can help you check if a specific domain name is available or help you find an alternative.

Email Hosting

If you have a domain the next step is an email address to match. Free email services constantly have issues of mail being flagged as spam or being outrightly rejected, meaning you are missing out on reaching potential customers or not placing important orders with suppliers.
An email from is more organised and professional than or and will help put your business higher up in the Google search algorithm netting you more potential customer enquiries.
An email from is more organised and professional than or and will help put your business higher up in the Google search algorithm netting you more potential customer enquiries.
Website Building & Hosting
Websites are great to boost your online presence as they can help potential customers find out about the services you offer, where you are located and how best to get into contact with you. Even a simple one page website can tell people so much about your business, is an easy solution to increase your online presence and will allow your business to show up first when people are searching for your services.
Websites are also a great way to interact with potential customers by having an online store to let people know what you sell and any current potential deals. It can also include a blog to let people know what you and your business are doing or services you can offer.
Websites are also a great way to interact with potential customers by having an online store to let people know what you sell and any current potential deals. It can also include a blog to let people know what you and your business are doing or services you can offer.

Business Starter Packages

Our starter package is a great way to effectively give your business an online presence at an affordable price. Do you need a domain, email address and website to get your business started? If you require more, we can work with you to find the best solution to fit your budget and needs as well as help you expand your services as you grow.
If you need extra email addresses, cloud file storage, or a specialised website, feel free to get in contact with us and we can sort out a business package that suits your needs and can help you plan for future expansion.